like a little pep talktoday's nr. at least somebody in management is doing something. Not an easy thing to do, this thc breathzlyzer , even harder if the Drugged Driving Committee that are tendering this proposal are looking for other stuff too. That tool they are trying to shortcut their way to is called the Holy Grail breathalyzer and a few know that it is already built! It is called the mass spectrometer. Shrink it and dumb it down so a cop can use it in a roadside setting in all kinds of weather and temperature and that is what we are striving for. When somebody comes up with a working hand-held thc only breathalyzer their stock will run, at least as high as the old bac breathalyzer stocks got to and I put it out there that it will be 30 or 40 times the shareprice now, if it is Cannabix. Who knows? I like Cannabix's chances and it is publicly traded. glta and dyodd