RE:RE:RE:RE:WTF!!! 0.08$ WHY SOLD WITH A LOST at 3 days of JV ???? Seller 007 is in high gear now. I sensed last week that he was ready to give up at .095 (where he bought almost everything that was sold there). But, he realized, correctly, that people were even dumber than he could have imagined. He continues to create walls on the ask to intimidate people to sell below them. Yesterday, 007 bought almost all the shares that sold below 9 cents. So, he will continue to do this until people smarten up. It is almost impossible to fight against someone with a nice cash float and the willingness to attack like this. The trouble is that it is a circular manipulation. As you cave and give him shares for 8 cents, he can then increase the size of the walls every time the share price rises. He is penny flipping and wash trading where needed, and also accumulating shares of suckers. If people just raise their asks to 16 cents and above, we'd expose that 007 is the majority seller between .085 and .145. He is not going to buy his own shares all the way up that chain. You'd soon see that the selling pressure is fake. If people can't work to stop him, then just stupidly sell to him for a loss or decide to wait this out.