30 yr holding...Like many others, I've held for 30+ yrs, adding occassionally, mostly via drip. Consistently been unable to break out of its reputation as an also-ran bank - consistently #5. Yes, it has few strong pockets. It has a great looking yield at the moment, but thank the market's lack of relative confidence for that. Cibc is the treadwater bank, while rbc, td, bns(to degree) keep moving on. 15 years ago(?) Manulife made a move the feds shut down, but it was obvious how pleased the market was about the partnership potential, recognizing that the smallest bank was likely not going to make structural industry in-roads. The future does not appear much different for cibc today. Perhaps cibc should consider a major move once again. Maybe the feds considerations would differ this time in light of an evolving global financial services industry. Could Canada maintain its positive and steady banking reputation with 4 majors, plus a cibc/manulife hybrid? And longs would be rewarded - slight bias!