RE:APPEAL Presidential Resolution N° 0464-2019-INGEMMET/PE The complete list and the map (1) have been posted here several times. It would be contradictory for PLU to publish that information because then somebody could ask "why didn't they published it before"; if they are right in thinking that the risk of losing these claims is zero, then publishing this information could lead many investors to make wrong decisions and incur in significant losses.
The expiration Resolution you mentioned (pages 90-93 of the "ocacasa 4" file) is explicit about the consequences of an unfovaroble decision from the Mining Council (2):
Table N ° 1
N ° Unique Code Mining Claim
1 010016705 Chachaconiza
2 010078105 Chachaconiza II
3 010016605 Chapi U
4 010086705 Chapi III
5 010214705 Chapi V
6 010076505 Huarituna 3
7 010071205 Huarituna I
8 010071005 Huarituna II
9 010234805 Huiquiza 3
10 010016505 Triunfador 1
11 010069905 Chapi II
12 010120805 Chilcuno
13 010088805 Colibri I
14 010088905 Colibri II
15 010214605 Corani U2
16 010215005 Ocacasa 4
17 010131005 Porsiaca Estrella
18 010215105 Liocco
19 010111305 Samilio I
20 010182605 Samilio IV
21 010187005 Sillatoco
22 010076905 Tantamaco 6
23 010249305 Tantamaco 7
24 010070205 Tantamaco II
25 010016805 Triunfador 2
26 010069605 Triunfador 3
27 010069205 Triunfador 4
28 010086605 Triunfador 5
29 010069505 Tupuramani
30 010053205 Lincoln XXIX
31 010052905 Lincoln XXVI
32 010117705 Lincoln XXXII
(...) It is resolved:
First article. Declare the expiration of the following mining claims for the non-timely payment of the right of validity for the years 2017 and 2018:
(same content as table N ° 1)
Second Article. Consent or executed that is the present resolution, send it to the National Superintendence of Public Registries for registration.
The resolution is consent if an appeal for review is not presented within the stablished term; the resolution is
executed when the Mining Council ratifies it and the claims are declared extinct. That is, if this June 20th the Mining Council ratifies the said resolution, then we should expect the same that happened to Minera Colibri (3):
02/20/2018: Mining Council held Audience to discuss Minera Colibri's Appeal for Review.
02/28/2018: Mining Council declared inadmissible Minera Colibri's Appeal for Review.
04/17/2018: Mining Council return the file to INGEMMET.
04/24/2018: INGEMMET certified that the Expiration Resolution was just executed. That is, since then Minera Colibri's claims appear as "extinguished" (or "extinct") on Sidemcat.
So, asumming the Mining Council ratifies INGEMMET's resolution, we would know about this decision on June 28th, and the expiration resolution would be executed a couple of months later, maybe in August. Then the resolution would be sent to the National Superintendence of Public Registry for the proper registration. Contrary to what I originally thought, this seems to mean that even if Macusani Yellocake appeal the resolution before the Judicial Power, the claims would be lapsed until Macusani get a favorable verdict from the Judiciary, which as you said could take years. That's why I hope the Mining Council's decision will be favorable, otherwise a range of alternatives open up which I prefer to not fully explore yet.
(1) (2) (3)