Last News ReleaseSadly, CYP is looking more and more like a loser in the Lithium space. PFS was supposed to be out 1st Qtr, 2019, then 2nd Qtr 2019 now in the summer. Timing for PFS is getting more vague. No updated resource estimate, remember drilling was to take place first thing 2019 ( that was delayed by months) no news, although we were told there would be lots of news before the 2nd Qtr release of the PFS. Talking to Huston he seems to know nothing of what is going on and beats around the bush. Doen't seem to be anything positive coming out of CYP so that begs the question, IS THIS PROJECT DOOMED TO THE TRASH BIN. Also, where is the much talked about , 2018 Pilot Plant, no word on that either. I have lost much of the confidence I had in Willoughby, he may be smart but not a very good communicator. Sharesholders need news to keep them interested or don't they care about the little guy invester who has got them where they are today. Sometime is not right, remember if it walks like a dud, and looks like a dud and acts like a dud it must be a dud. Here's hoping I am wrong but all of their recent in action seems to say I am right.