RE:RE:The inside buyer continues to purchase sharesOh not this again Duck. Seriously do better DD and stop blaming Lenigas for your failure to click sell on whatever you hate him for. DECREE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC NO. 309 OF 9 OCTOBER 1990 decriminalizes Cannabis with less then .2% THC.
After this during growing they realize plants in warmer climates naturally produce higher THC contents then cooler climates. So farmers in south Italy can grow the same crop the same way as farmers in north Italy they produce the December 2016 Law no. 242 allows production of industrial or medicinal hemp from .2% to .6%. Italian law follows the procedure if it’s not stated it’s legal and since they didn’t clarify you couldn’t sell by-products from this production it had a gray area that it could follow the same allowable sales of .2% and lower THC.
Come May 2019 the Court of Casseation clarifies that Dec. 2016 law 242 was not to allow sale of inflorescence with doping efficacy but only to allow production as explained above.
Following so far you quack? So the Court has clarified shops can’t sell inflorescence (any or all) as allowed to be grown or produced by law 242. There is no mention to recriminalize or change any laws concerning the currently still written 1990 decree decriminalizing .2% or lower cannabis.
So Easyjoint at this point and with no further rulings from the Court of Casseation can continue selling as long as it’s below .2%.
EvoBunk can continue to produce medicinal or industrial hemp below .2% THC as they are indoors and do not qualify for the law 260 increase in THC content from .2 to .6%.
This can change if the court makes another decree or passes a law recriminalizing Cannabis with .2% THC or lower but until they do this you should do proper DD.
As for the amount of shares traded it was actually odd for me as I had bids in at .10c that were not filled yet shares continue to trade hands. I don't have an explanation for how or why but there could have been some arranged market trades between securities/traders they have to be reported but don't actually become available on the market.