RE:Junk Status - TA MGMT and Board Achieves their Goalindoubtgetout wrote: TA debt downgraded to JUNK today by S&P. This really is the iciing on the cake with regards to TA board of directors and management. Why do shareholders continue to vote in this board?? Its rediculous!! There should be a wholesale change in board of directors and all senior management, especially Dawn Farrell, should be fired!! Where is the board backbone? Why does the Chariperson get paid $500,000 a year for a job done very poorly??? Why aren't shareholders revolting/protesting???
I haven’t checked in here in quite some time. It is astounding to see how the status quo has somehow been maintained. Who exactly does it serve? It can’t be the shareholders, so how can it persist? The model we use (executive and independent BOD) for running companies doesn’t work very well for this company. I’d like to see the shareholder register. With the dividend cut to the bone and the dividend yield sitting at 1.84% today who wants to invest here? I just checked the notice for the AGM. The CEO was compensated as follows: 2014 - $2.5M, 2015 - $2.2M, 2016 - $4.4M, 2017 - $3.8M and 2018 - $4.7M. Excellent wages IMO, and no one would give it a second thought if growth was good and capital appreciation was ongoing, like FTS for example. But TA seems to be going down-down-down. The stock price chart is dismal going back to the beginning. The share price was higher then than it is today. Retained earnings are negative and getting more negative when means the original share capital has not even been maintained but eroded instead. Unacceptable, IMO but it goes unchecked. Just one opinion.