RE:RE:RE:27 Acres of MJ Being Planted Today Im not sure about 0to60’s book but the yields he’s posted did come directly from Derek Pedro’s mouth (or keyboard I should say). The longer people continue to underestimate WeedMD the longer I have to accumulate shares, so I kind of welcome it. GLTA
Melissa28 wrote: 0to60in3secflat wrote: Pedro himself stated he can get 11 pounds per plant @ 20,000 plants assuming 50 % correctness thats 5.5LB = 2.5Kg/plant, = 2500g x 20,000 = 50,000,000g's folks, assuming a measily 1 dollar profit for this, thats 50 million dollars in profit, for a company worth 175 million. This is ONLY outdoor grow, and based on Pedro's estimate. KEEP BUYING
Great info. Looking forward to reading your book.