Embarassment If I was a senior manager or director of Torstar , I would be embarrassed to show up for work , and accept payment , knowing that under my watch the company's shares are down from a high of 30 dollars a share to penny status . Unbelievable . The only things that interest me with Torstar are things that I can touch and hold in my hand , that being the Star newspaper and for me , The Mississauga News newspaper . I would sell everything else . Another thought , now that Transcontinental Printing which already prints the Star for Torstar and will now be printing the Hamilton Spectator for Torstar , Why not merge the Star and Spectator into one larger paper ? I myself , living in west Mississauga , am just as close to Hamilton as I am to downtown Toronto . Maybe some of my ideas are crazy , but so is an 80 cent stock ! Time for somebody to get in the game !