RE:RE:RE:The carbon tax is not revenue neutralAll the carbon tax is is a transfer of wealth from those who choose to drive gas “gussling” vehicles to those who choose to drive non-gas “gussling” vehicles. We all get an equal rebate, but those who spend more on gasoline end up being down more money at the end of the day vs those who spend pess on gasoline. The idea is the lower emitters are gaining a benefit at the loss to the higher emitters. Plain and simple.
The problem is, Canada is a miniscule blip on the radar when it comes to global carbon emissions. Until all emitters agree to cut emissions, what Canada does means nothing. But, in the mean time, the governement (that won the election with substantially less than 50% of the total vote) creates policies that are killing our NATIONAL economy. ABSOLUTE LUNACY, plain and simple.