Canada's innovation of legalising rec pot for adultsis a conundrum complicated by opposing forces. Our think tanks, it seems, are kicking and dragging their feet in the name of safety and protection while alcohol and opiates are having a free-for-all.
Hind-sight is 20/20 they say and it is now clear to me that the Liberal PM of Canada got elected for his promise to deal with the legalization of marijuana for rec use for adults.
It was medical marijuana that got the toe in the door for legalization and rec followed but in the least desirable forms of smoking and leaf, but it happened. Now Canada is in the process of allowing legal edibles and drinks as well as other forms but the nervous nellies are determined to protect us with the same zeal that Nixon's war on drugs held.
There were a few States that preceeded Canada on the rec use with some nicely packaged products and they allowed the manufacturers to be creative with the packaging, strengths of psycho-active ingredient without much fanfare. They let the consumer pick and sales figures probably dictated their success or failure.
Canada has got a lot of credit for being the first Country to formally legalize marijuana for adult rec use which is a big step that ran against the dna of a lot of countries.
The US is smart enough to allow business to make decisions and maybe Canada needs to really take a look at Colorado and California and the other States that are pro-rec who seem to have side-stepped some of the red-tape interference that Canadian policy makers are conjuring, which is sure to come back to be dealt with in a more favourable manner.
If Canada is going to stay the course on their views then the same restrictions should go on the other vices like alcohol and opiates, just so there is a level playing field.
I am of the conviction that thc is a less damaging escape than alcohol and opiates and a lot of the world thinks the same. Some people with experience with marijuana and cannabinoids claim health benefits and the US is getting up a head of steam for total legalization.
Some investors are very aware that the biggest marijuana market potential is the US but it has been hogtied by the Federal legislation, that is to say that all of those investment dollars are sitting on the sidelines. Total legalization is a likely reality for the US and investors involved in greenrush investments are already sorting through the prospects to pick the best of the best.
Tinley is on that list imo and is worth a look. Despite the hiccups our management is moving this forward as fast as legally allowed and have a great headstart on other companies. I like the fact that they concentrated their efforts on beverages which was very perceptive and forward looking as to where this market is going. There is some pretty serious money looking on us to be our competition, or partners.
The US greenrush is going to make Canada's look small. glta and dyodd