RE:The poor idiot from DesjadinsNolo wrote: ... who sold 100k shares five minutes from market close today lost up to half his money in play in EAST just because he thought the end of the world was happening, seeing how others were selling. As much as I hate them, you have to give credit to these people who were patiently leading the lemmings to the cliff from which they would fall eventually, and that for nearly two months now. They were patient and got what they wanted. With people like that Desjardins seller on the market, it's almost a sure thing for these manipulators. They have money, they have time and patience and they have an army of gullible people ready to go to where the finger is pointing.
Anyway, now that they drove the sp to the ground (or almost), if they still want to play this stock like a puppet, they will probably look to make it go up soon. I'm just afraid that the cycle of selling will begin anew after the spike.
I don't know who this Desjardins is but I thank him for his shares ;) Still accumulating over here.