Thera's Dilemna !HIV-NASH Phase III:
1/ Thera could not talk to the FDA about HIV-NASH without Dr Grinspoon's data.
2/ Dr. Grinspoon's data won't be available until at least July.
3/ Yet, Thera seems to rush to announce its intent to proceed with HIV-NASH Phase III without showing to the market (1) convincing data, (2) FDA progress. Why not wait until at least July ?
Share price vs NASDAQ listing:
1/ Someone needs to remind Thera management that share price is a function of Demand vs Supply. The reason Thera SP is so low was simply because there is no Demand from the investment community.
2/ By exposing Thera on NASDAQ, it would create Demand. But since there is no Demand right now, Thera couldn't get on NASDAQ, because it would dilute its intrinsic value via a low-ball offering.