Now that all cheapies are gone...EXPANSIONWeekend Unlimited played this beautifully.....get the cheapies out of the way and begin expanding. Shares are getting in much stronger hands and tighter, news and more news.
July should be great month for POT.......Washington here we come, California get ready in August and Arizona in September.......great job management........that’s how you shut up naysayers ( wink wink LindaStockwatch ) hopefully you loaded up @.055.....because we will fly through 10 cents like butter........all those 15 cents cheapies are exercise, so I’m expecting passing 15....where the game will be played
Happy Trading......bulk of the shares were bought above 15, major resistance. for those Penny flippers........hopefully management will be ready with tons of news
We have approached this development with the goal of providing a best of breed system that will differentiate the experience retailers have with our company and our products, making it more efficient and easier to work with us, with the ultimate goal of selling more product," added Mr. Backus. "We have done so with the mandate to develop a system that can be proven in Washington State and be scaled to new states as we expand over the coming months."