RE:RE:ValueYes all around the big oak table - wink -wink -nod nod - we havent found an ounce of gold yet fellas but we have that old di-k tugger in Jap land fooled -has to be the best bullshite pumper we could wish for - sure gets our message across to all the suckers out there - and old 'waiting still' where is he by the way --guess he is in the waiting room still - keeping that looney 'olr' from CEO company. And the' golden cr'p on '- spreading the stuff real good hey ! Nice to see the retard 'omega 101 'still at the trough lapping up our every word on lag gravels how can we go wrong. No mining lease yet but we told them was no guarantee -as long as it happens within ten years we will be okay even thought we have to find some bloody gold first - To be honest a bit worried after a year we have only done one small sample from the old alluvial patch at Egina but they are all so dumb we can keep telling them that gold is basin wide -they would not know the difference -- we can reply on the 'headless horse'. He blinds them with science he gets from Google but they havent woke up yet he is stil trying to figure out what gold looks like -so lets send him our little nugget -the .7 grammer we found at Egina . Meeting adjourned - a wombat just came in to the room - muddled creatures 'aint they.