Work program details Spearmints work program will consist of people working the phones looking for suckers to invest and James Nelson letting people know what the price of gold is and what work other real exploration companies are doing. This worked well with his other companies Cruz Cobalt until they actually did some drilling and discovered that they had nothing but worthless dirt.
Real exploration companies will tell investors what they will be doing on their properties but spearmint will let investors use their imagination. Investors can then imagine the the great results they will get and how they will spend the imaginary money they make. In reality they will send some kid that they hired for the summer to scoop up a few buckets of dirt. I know Cruz sent crews to site on several occasions but they were never heard from again and I think spearmint will have similar difficulties getting work done. Investors were never told what happened to these work crews but speculated that they didn’t make it to site because they spent their gas money on beer or they did get to site and were eaten by bears.
With all these imaginary work programs happening now is a great time to invest in spearmint. James needs to get a good pump and dump going to get some money together for summer vacation. Please buy into this scam and help James enjoy his summer.