GREY:TSTIF - Post by User
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ImmanuelK1774on Jul 03, 2019 9:18am
Post# 29882660
SELL ITPut this failure of a company up for sale and lets all move on. Hopefully these clowns can get something reasonabvble for the product and its IP. I'm just tired of listening to all of the supporters for this pig year after year waiting for something positive to happen. You all should have listened and looked to booting these bozos months ago. Maybe we would have had some development by now. Here we are in mid-2019 with no more than 100 units in the market or committed to be in the market at some point. Even you CRASH must admit that is pathetic. Call up the banker, open the data room and sell this bag of turds hopefully for the money that was sunk to develop one product for at least 120 M. 120 M to develop, 10's of millions to Crumble and his band of turkeys and for what? 30 M in aggregate sales, 100 units outstanding and some FDA claims that have won us basically 0 share. Its a joke. The board should look to sell this company. Hopefully they can find a buyer.