Wishful Thinking
I know a lot of you are waiting for the Double Diamond license to be granted to see what effect it will have on the share price. The truth is, most potential investors will probably view it as a big yaaaaaawn. Again, it will be a news "baked into" the share price story. We all know it will happen soon so don't expect much.
As far as the "50,000 shares were bought at the bell so maybe somebody knows something". Don't forget...... 50,000 shares were also SOLD at the bell so.......Maybe somebody knows something.
Very little is going to happen to the share price in the next few weeks. It will take the Financials. Very little is known for sure from where you and I sit. As I have said many, many times, the Quarterly Reports will drive this stock. Sit back and let it happen. Be patient. It will still take some time.