RE:BIG BARNS-HIGH COSTS!! THEY GO DOWN : EVE, AGRA -COLOMBIA!!! Not that i care about what you write in CAPS, i can only vision someone screming at a wall when they do that.
but this is an email I wrote EVE April 3rd 2019 and they said they'd look into it.......
As a heavy investor in EVE, I'd like to propose this idea that may help expansion into other markets in other countries.
From the company CENTURION MINERALS LTD, they seem to looking at the option of shifting their business to Cannabis and posted the information below in their recent news release.
Since EVE is already many steps ahead, it could be an ideal time to create partnerships to tap into this market.
Please see below.
"Additionally, a select group of South American cannabis and hemp producers have approached the Company to consider a greater and possibly direct involvement in their operations, and the Company is currently evaluating their businesses. Management has also held preliminary discussions with Provincial regulators to investigate the possibilities of the Company expanding into direct cannabis production."