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GT Resources Inc V.GT

Alternate Symbol(s):  CGTRF

GT Resources Inc., formerly Palladium One Mining Inc., is a Canada-based mineral exploration and development company. The Company is focused on discovering critical green transportation metals. It targets district scale, nickel-copper sulfide and platinum-group-element (PGE) deposits in Canada and Finland. The Company’s Canada projects include Tyko, Ontario; Disreali, Ontario; Canalask, Yukon; Hemlo East, Ontario; Big Lake, Ontario; North Rock, Ontario; and Black Bear, Ontario. The Lantinen Koillismaa (LK) Project in north-central Finland, is a PGE-copper-nickel project that has existing NI43-101 Mineral Resources. The project is located in north-central Finland, approximately 40 kilometers (km) north of the Company’s exploration office in the town of Taivalkoski. The property is 160 km (by road) east-southeast of Rovaniemi and 190 km northeast of the port city of Oulu. The Tyko and Canalask high-grade nickel-copper projects are located in Ontario and the Yukon, Canada, respectively.

TSXV:GT - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by BigBirdofBSt007on Jul 11, 2019 11:38am
Post# 29908725

RE:in at .09 today

RE:in at .09 today
goingtoberich9 wrote: I like the volume today and been watching this for awhile. Wanted to see some movement in the right direction. Agust you say BB? We'll see. 

no stock August somepoint everything will be set . for a big win
Bullboard Posts