Easter eggs in bombardier
some unforeshadowed outcomes for bombardier. Bombardier has made shocking moves in the past, I am hopeful the deals will keep flowing. I am not expecting management to just stop once they have sold the wing assembly for a220. They are leaning up the business and focusing on profitable programs. I wouldn't be surprised if bombardier merges with another multinational manufacturer. wasn't pierre beaudoin head of mergers and acquisitions? If they take this thing private I will be very angered for the shareholders that stuck with this company through so much drama. They also may actually split the aircraft and train businesses, even though they have spoken out against doing this, their theory was they offset the cyclicality of each other. They could also merge and divest the train business altogether, but the train business may actually be the better investment. For the industry as a whole merging with Airbus makes the most sense and gives Airbus a foot in the door of train manufacturing.