RE:communities in Armenia give mining companies the bootGreat way to "seize" up the Armenian economy and keep the people poor, you Marxist totatlitarian. This lecture, by one of the founders of Greenpeace, tells you everything you need to know about how fake and politicized environmental activism is: You know what make countries like Canada, the US, Norway, and the Middle East so economically successful? Do you know what a big part of China's and India's rise from poverty has been founded on? Yep, that's right: extraction of natural resources.
People can be conviced to do all kinds of things with sufficient lies and propaganda. Getting a few people roused up to sign a petition means only that you have run an effective misinformation campaign. Congratulations. I hope you sleep well at night knowing that you have deprived people of the opportunity to lift their standard of living and improve conditions in their community. Good work champ.