How much?I know there was some chatter about a hopeful dividend if they win the lawsuit, and I know that is was just a “wishful thinking” type remark, but how much do we really anticipate in terms of a settlement?
I hope it’s something big, I mean that’s obvious.. but for one, there hasn’t been lots of buying in a long long time. I would think that if there was even the slightest bit of interest, we would be seeing much more volume at these prices. No one these days is willing to make a 10k stake in the company except the NCIB.
There is literally nothing.
Also, if the settlement is say for 10 million, 2 million has to go to benchmark I believe, then the rest.. I mean not really earth shattering with a 8 million win,
im just thinking out loud trying to keep reality and my expectations in check.
we have waited far to long and put to much faith in mgmt, only to be proven yr after yr that whatever they are doing is not working.