Sorry guys I’m out.. BTW I’m also LottoMax and Godspeed lol I did at one point have a insane amount of shares but I sold for my largest loss to date. At the end of the day I just see better opportunities elsewhere in some more respectable companies have come down as well. I made a mistake here and I’ll never make that same mistake again. Investing in the CEO is equally as important as the company and I have lost complete faith in the management for THC. Their execution is deplorable at best. Now they continue to scrape by and raise money at the bottom off the backs of their last remaining shareholders because they were too incompetent to raise money at higher valuations. You won’t see me come back and tear into this company like some of these desperate losers. I have no investment here anymore so life goes on. Oh and the CEO is a private person routine is cute lol The only time you need to hide is when your shady end of story. Good luck to some of the guys still involved in this train wreck of a stock. I’ve already deployed my capital back into companies that will never again resemble this amateur operation. Take care!