RE:RE:Linton and TNYLinton and Tinley! Wouldn't that be something? Jeff would be trying to keep the lid on things and Bruce would be out there promotin' the hell out of us. Linton knows that beverages are going to be where the money is and he was well respected for keeping shareholders informed and excited. He built a great company and left Constellation with a going concern and full intentions of doing beverages. Linton made himself and a lot of others rich with Canopy stock and he is still a shareholder but he could also be looking for that US based company that he was talking about. He has his finger on the pulse of the marijuana business and might not be ready to walk away. He could resurface with Tinley and that alone would drive the shareprice of Tinley up and very likely take Canopy down another notch or two.
I think Constellation made a big mistake with that move but the big dog pizzes higher on the pole and the minute that Constellation deal with Canopy happened, the writing was on the wall.
I still think that Tinley is in the lead for adult beverages and we already have a team with a lot of capability, but if Linton showed his cards that he wanted to be a part of Tinley, I think he carries that kind of clout. He wore the Martello t-shirt and added 40 million to the value of that company. As far as Ruckify, it doesn't excite me much. glta and dyodd