Business integrity...You purchase a product, the seller tells you that you can expect to have it delivered to your door in 3 to 4 days. On the trust and the placed bet on the integrity of this business/sellers word you wait and hope it will be there as he has said. 5 days, 10 days,20 days, 30 fuc#$king days and still nothing. You try calling him ,you send countless emails to him but the loser doesn't reply. You now begin telling other individuals that for the most are in the same predicament as you. They begin telling you that this seller/business owes you nothing, not even as much as an update as to what the fu$k is going on. They tell you this bad experience has nothing to do with integrity and that you should just be patient. IMO this person should be called out at the next AGM and made a spectical of and maybe tell him to take a coarse in public relations. Go ahead azz kisser keep on sugar coating this losers fu%$k ups and integrity. Oh and I do not love you James and I think the shi% t runs out your ears when you speak.