You know what really GRINDS my GEARS???I realize on this board in most cases I'm preaching to the choir...but let's say the Canadian Automobile manufacturers came up with a much more environmentally friendly vehicle that pollutes MUCH LESS than foregin cars. Wouldn't the common sense thing be to PROMOTE that vehicle's technology around the world? Wouldn't the BEST thing for global climate be to push global sales of this car to supress other vehicle manfucturers that don't give a damn about the environment? Isn't that what true GLOBAL LEADERSHIP is??
But yet, when Alberta has now spent BILLIONS (I concede somewhat begrudgingly) towards developing new extraction technologies, new environmentallyconsciouse infrastructure and land reclamation strategies that are the hands-down the BEST in the WORLD...Trudeau's/Sohi's answer is to KILL the industry??? I dare say if this WAS the auto industry in KNOW he wouldn't kill it.
So, I ask the question, does Trudeau and his liberal party REALLY care about Global Climate change and the global oil industries impact on the environment? Or is he reeeally just trying to follow is father's legacy in taming and squashing Alberta?