CBDValens should buy some hemp for themselves and process into CBD, people love CBD, and the only cheap one is from aphria, other ones are all double price almost...
OGI bought 60 000kg today, I wonder if it’s all for us to process, even with with this 20% max per client thing...
Valens could sell it cheaper or same price as aphria and make tons of $$ with CBD...
You don’t need a tons of branding for this, just make something affordable, cheaper then others, and good quality as they make, and should be good... That could be a fast and easy market in Canada right now as we speak, CBD is good, but WAY too expensive, no way I’m paying 45-65$ for a 30ml bottle, aphria is 25 around... and even that is a bit $..
Anyways just some tough time whit Bananaman while we wait this out...