ITG is enabling this criminal manipulationITG owns the Tri-Act M (MATCHNow) trading platform, open only to registered dealers. Today there were 441K TLT shares traded on Tri-Act, over three times that traded on the TSX-V itself.
At ITG, "we're experts in dark trading and we own the largest dark pool in Canada."
Dark trading and dark pool sounds to be anything but transparent. In other words, they provide perfect conditions for Mackie et al to walk the SP down for their own greedy intentions and that of their clients. Mackie and friends are surely among today's anonymous sellers on Tri-Act. In fact, every seller on Tri-Act today was anonymous.
The entire Alternative Trading System (ATS) needs a thorough, top-down review. IMHO, retail investors are greatly disadvantaged if they have no visibility into bid and ask on the ATS exchanges.
It's high time to return to a single trading exchange, so as to level the playing field for retail folks.