Really Is It What It AppearsFollowed Westcoast blogs for 2 years, bought PTQ because personally believe simlar thoughts about many things, got upset by the fraud, sold and bought back after he again made comments about the 10 year window and time, knowing that window is only 9 years now, watching VMD and wondering" How come I am here and they are there", those having both are enjoying this more than me, my fault do not have both, anyways, did they kick him off for his thoughts by the liberals, if so, that is the world we live in, and what a world if that is the case, there is not a post from him for at least 2-3 months, did not go back further, not on VMD either, if out in the bush still, my gaff but it seems he was thrashed to the sidelines because of beliefs, WOW, censureship is now a part of our free society in many areas, cannot believe he has sold and left, surely someone knows the story, maybe Icsfa knows, anyways, got back in at .74 so hopefully no more surprises of a negative nature and eventual catchup to this 2.50 Beacon figure, after all, between the debenture and shares they are a LARGE invester with lots of skin in the game, just like Crawford and others which may be a small problem in the short time frame, 6 months to a year, until new fresh blood steps to move it up with them along side, in the mean time it is safe it appears while treading water and getting strength, give me strength to endure, Maybe WC is hiding with his CRown, one on his head and one being the bottle, where are you, or were you a fibment of my imagination or delusion, even when they get the money back there will be pause, please sell or merge and let everyone have confidence in the company, which it seems by previous owners confidence in them was an issue of large proportions, I personally believe and will hold unless more negative, what are all the costs associated with this anyway, the changes to their own system odf security, the hiring of the firm to do this, the lawyers to get the money back, etc, no NR letting us know they solved the problem or are moving towards, this is not to cost only the 600,000 that is in China, where is the plan for guidance, it needs to come in the near future, maybe the Q figures in August, VMD 1.00 plus, PTQ .15 pre breakup, what a HUGE HUGE difference when they were split on a 60, 40 basis, there is lots of gaining to do MR CRAWFORD, get it done or give it up, we only have 9 years left for the boomers and you wasted one now, seems to me you hold the good cards and are not making money at the table, WHAT IS WITH THAT? GLTA! My first rant in awhile!