RE:SadieI’m just comparing the share prices. ALA’s management showed (imho) gross incompetence during the whole WGL fiasco, but they did own theier own facilities plus a major utility serving the White House and district FFS. Both generated good income. Selling off the crown jewels is a bit misleading, since they still own over 35% of said jewels which have almost doubled in value. A drop in SP was to be expected, but the size of the drop was ridiculous. Still, it happened. Something ridiculous “could” happen here, fueled by rumours, shorters, uncertainty. I hope not, but at least I have only a bit of skin in this game. As long as the CEO keeps talking to us and answering questions there’s hope. ALA did not do that and the record shows the result.
trevorjplows wrote: I dont think your example of ala vs vet is a fair coparison. ,Apples and oranges. Ala was led bya glory hunting mgmt team who overpaid for wgl , misled or lied take your pick on div increases and sold off the crown jewels of the original company . In no way is this a reflection of what the mgmt of vet is STELLAR, shrewd acquisition of spartan and didnt slash the div56% if posters on this board want to do a uturn , daytrade , or call a company garbage after championing them on this board less than 3 months ago thats their right, loyalty is not a moral must throwing people under the bus is the new norm . I am gratified to see the increase in posters opining in favour of tony and mgmt lately. Those that capitulate to the street machinations an ecosystem that fantome believes is balanced are just playing into the hands of that scumsucking fraternity ,i will reiterate fot the shorts and the street THAT SCUMSUCKING FRATERNITY. Regards to the longs, trevor