Best way to play TC or why own AMK instead of TUO?not bashing, but i have a serious Question on AMK`s va. TUO`s current marktcap/Valuation
AMK has about 400mm Shares FD outstanding while TUO (Teuton Res.) only 44mm
AMK`s FD Marketcap = 32mm CAN$
TUO`s FD Marketcap = 16mm CAN$
Both AMK and TUO own a 20% carried interest, but TUO also owns a 1%NSR Royalty
and maybe most impiortant AMKs is losing money every quater while TUO is cash-flow and earnings positive due to their Prosepect generation model.
I am really wondering on what basis AMK has double TUO`s marketcap
What other (hidden?!) assets does AMK have to justify this