oh there aligned alright. First off it looks like another 4 years for trump as the dems are self destructing. So the critics are saying that the salmon industry is a 1.4 billion a year industry so to my calculations the mines rough average is 300 billion it would take roughly 200 years for that industry to make that kind of money. So with the rare earth metals that the chinese seem to have most of why wouldn't trump want to ram the permits through with the corps. Plus you got the guy over at the epa saying he has no problem giving pink slips. So if it took only 3 years to get to this point since trumps been elected well I can see the writing on the wall. Everyone of those companies that backed out because the hill was to tough to climb will be kicking themselves and trying to court northern who was the only one to go to the wall for this will be trying to throw money at something they could have had cheaper in the beginning. Glta