RE:Asian markets setting stage And pigs may fly, REO just got a whole lot cheaper in USD.
Dragon will restrict REO exports, and possibly mags, to US defense contractors & anyone else that pisses them off, which will be a few hundred tonnes, NOT a broad ban on global exports.
Remember DOD uses just 1% of US REO demand annually, which is only 9% of global demand, squirt in a bucket.
Since 2011 US industry has got a whole lot more dependent on downstream value add evidenced by the fact it only took 17% of China's NdFeB magnets 2018 vs 52% to EU, 10% smaller economy.
EU still makes motors, US imports them from China, and is far, far more vulnerable downstream than it is to REO or even mags.
This is a major structural flaw that has been building since China established quotas & tariffs 2006 and there is no quick fix as in "TW are easy to win".
Donald ain't got a clue, he's creating a mega mess, and God Save America if you get any of the democrats on offer next year.