Strategic Partner - identityIn its July filing on Sedar, GMA filed a docuemnt called a Report of exempt distribution, where i tindicated who invested in the recent private placement and the amount invested.
One of the investor comes from Singapore and invested ... $546 000:
Singapore NI 45-106 s. 2.3 [Accredited Investor] 1 $546,000.00
At $0.14 a share, it means that the investor received 3 900 000 shares. I am not sure what are the rules to identify insiders, but is this strategic investor needs to be identified as he become an insider?
In my previous post, Don Lay, from Medallion was identified as a stock holder of MDL owing between 3 to 10% of the stock of MDL. Would 3 900 000 shares compel this investors to file documents on SEDI? Stockhouse mentions 99.5 Millions shares out...
I just want to make sure that GMA does not go back on the Regulator radar for the wrong reasons. But maybe there are other reasons which can explain why this investor is not identified on Sedi.