RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Brand new Shell Gamelet me be the interpreter........ fatcharlie missed the boat again, however he still flaps his jowls too much. .........
fatcharlie wrote: Allan will now stay in the background collect his $165k/yr salary and the 'Guru' will be the face and promoter of the new company. With a 475 page propectus just like the other shell game the only people benefiting out of this farse will be the lawyers, Allan and the Guru. Its going to be a hard sell and they will be looking for new buyers because no current owner of IEQ or SENS will touch any scheme Allan is involved in. I would imagine it will be a classic Venture/Vulture pump and dump with lots of stock manipulation to try and drive the price higher. Unfortunately, it will probably work and I am expecting some new army of pumpers to show up here next month once it starts trading. Its no wonder people stay away from Venture/Vulture stocks when you see what is going on here.