Hey Wangotango67: Who is this Rocker dude you been posting about? What has he done that hasn't been done on these boards thousands of times? Capiche?
Gawd you rant on like a psycho nutbar. Investors have different opinions and many have different hidden motives to pump or bash. Bashing or pumping on these bullboards is all part of the normal daily shenanigans on the bullboard forums. Get over it because it is not going to stop anytime soon.
If you think Rocker's posts are unking to MXR, you should read DrStoxxman's blog opinion of the MXR insiders. It is quite different than your opinion. He has posted some brutal stuff for several years and nobody can stop him. I don't care because I'm just an impartial observer of all things posted on the Stockhouse Bullboards but his blog does appear to have way more credibility than any bullboard pumper posts ever had. I have no skin in the MXR game.
I guess you believe investors make buy and sell decisions based upon bullboard posts. Yeah sure. ROTFLMAO.