1,600 tests..Some members on this board are asking (with good reason) why the 1,600 tests number do not increase.
The 1,600 tests are mostly from small practices.
In the CC presentation Apr. 3, 2019 J.Tripp did say (QUOTE) ''So , it's not that you can't do it in the small practice space, but it is very expansive, very slow, very high resource. So we will stay in the small practice space, but as I said, we expect it to be only 10% of what we're doing.
The real breackout will be coming as we move into other areas.And that started with the telehealth initiative. It continue with the Midwest Hospital Group. It continue with the high risk employees''(End Of Quote).
To resume :
Don't expect the small practice tests number to increase, as J.Tripp is concentrating the big money on the bigger targets.