The sky is fallingbut not so much at Tinley. Canopy seems to be leading the way on a serious reckoning but apparently Bruce Linton is buying T.WEED at these levels. The king of pot sees the value in the company that turfed him. Can you imagine if Tinley promoted itself like Linton did with Canopy.
Alas, we don't have that going on in the Tinley camp, but we are putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward with real thc infused products, formulated and tweaked by Tinley, that, according to social media are becoming more readily available in the hottest marketplace in the world. The secrecy from lack of ads is deafening, at least for investors that have never heard of us, and consumers too.
Social media that I follow has lots of posters giving information of new dispensaries and retailers that Tinley can be found in as well as favourable reviews of our product offerings, but no confirmation of ads on tv in California. I know there's rules and regulations in this regard and maybe that is just a can of worms that our mangement doesn't want to deal with yet. I guess as far as sales go, maybe we don't need to advertise as long as word of mouth is clearing our products out of retailers. Maybe it is a waste of dollars at this conjecture as far as sales go but it will always catch the eye of investors that don't know we exist, and that wouldn't be a bad thing.
Steady Eddy, as she goes. Good things are happening according to social media and we just don't know what is going on behind the scenes as far as deals for co-packers outside of California. Law and policy makers are different in different countries or States, but it seems they are all fearful of letting the industry leaders lead the way and want to leave themselves several loopholes as this unfolds.
In my mind, I can imagine what is going on behind the cloak of secrecy and I am confident in our team, who are proactive leaders in a whole new ballgame, that even has the likes of Big Alcohol, Pharma and Tobacco taking notice. glta and dyodd