There have been otherscome and announce their version of a thc breathalyzer. The one that comes to mind is Lifeloc, who are an established BAC breathalyzer company. When they first announced their committment to the THC device they got matching funds from Colorado to the tune of 250K but they knew it wouldn't be easy or they would have done it as a natural next move of the blood alcohol device. No info coming out of their camp. None of those BAC guys took on the challenge of a THC device until Cannabix threw their hat in the ring.
Cannabix is still working the best angle they know for a true breathalyzer and I believe that they are the closest to circumnavigating the problems. It defies commonsense that our government has certified disputable devices like swabalyzers that are guaranteed to clog the court system because the penalties of being caught are drivers license loss or job loss. Serious stuff that needs to be adressed.
Yost is the driving force and the roadblock imho because he isn't going to give the go signal until the product is right. He has an amazing reputation and is responsible for $30 billion, with a b, of electrical devices formulated from the U of F's patents. When he says it is ready, it will be ready!
Drager and the other guys are more flash than substance imo and maybe are greasing the right palms to get their approvals for their devices but the superior device will win the day. Remember that Yost is one of the Mass Spectrometer guys responsible for its development and that it is the go to device for identifying all kinds of minerals, chemicals, diseases and drugs, including thc. Cannabix has the device, just gotta make it smaller, more environmentally friendly and run by less than scientific minds.
When all of that happens, whoever invents it is going to make a lot of money. I can easily see $40 per share or more, based on the sp that the alcohol breathalyzer guys got when they launched.
Downside is 100% but the upside could be 3 or 4 thousand percent. It still amazes me that this moves like a marijuana stock when it is clearly a tech stock, and I am pretty sure, totally legal way for US investors to ride the greenrush. glta and dyodd