RE:dog days of summercobblehill
Shorts covering-check
Financing ph 2- check
about 10 m ph2 in Europe?,finance ph1 for brain cancer?, finance listing on US exchange?
why not all 3?
And people think $1.85 this year is wishful thinking. My wishful thinking is over $6.
I'm here on a Saturday morning ffs. I can hardly wait for what's coming next.
No need for ph2 in Europe, brain & lung will (should) be moving into clinical study. People might laugh at 6 bucks but it could be in the cards ... as I have said In recent postings 1 week results 30 day & 90 days is more then enough for an aggressive trader to sell the "house" and buy as many as they can! It will happen. All we need is a little co-operation to get over and above 60%.
Now what many think but didn't want to say if bladder, lung and brain go reasonably well 45 bucks is way too conservative ... why not 100 or 200!! If fake meat can hit 200 why the golly gee can't cancer destruction do better than it.
Ok you can call me insane but I don't see why not and please tell me if most of you don't feel like you are about to be strapped onto a rocket ...