$$$ Per Ounce of GoldTypically, gold in the ground is paid for at a price of $100 per ounce, although this is an atypical situation. If a company were to try and purchase NVDEF completely instead of just the South Grass Valley project, the price for NVDEF would be much higher than a valuation of $100 per ounce. Also, typically in these situations there is usually a lot of emotions running crazy and folks trying to get a piece of the action and company. Let's take for example NOVO Resources. They projected that they had made a discovery of 10 million ounces or so and folks were paying $300 an ounce for the company or more (at least that is what I read by an analyst that did a recent article on the company). We all don't really know how this will play out, who will be a buyer, and if the shareholders will sell. There is probably a few percent of the company owned by shareholders right here on this board. I read an article by Wade Hodges from 4 years ago or so and he talked about finding a discovery in this situation. He acknowledged that there would be a rush to stake all of Nevada. Part of the reason that he collected all of the water samples on the front side was to have the advantage of knowing where to stake and beat everyone to the good spots. He talked about protecting shareholder value and increasing it with this strategy. He said he could just find one location and prove his theory, but then everyone would stake everything before they could do it again. This is why he took all of the groundwater samples on the front side. Management's plan is to sell South Grass Valley and to move on to the next spot and continually returning more value to the shareholders with new discoveries. Realty