RE:RE:RE:RollinINDoughOK sonny... some points but nothing new from you...
why did I not ay the sale was an isider.... cause I reported the trad as it happened... and the insider reports are not in real time... for gawds sake...LOL
why does NWX not report production or prices like some rolalty companies do?| cause they NWX has NO insde info on that... Beach tells then at qtr end what was produced and price for a check... it is not like freehold roayalies where they own the land and so get the info... ehat NWX gets is a GOR and so are not given any info we cannot see in public disclosure...
man sonny... you are so out of it... clueless actually... and now you claim to own NWX.... WOW... you now claim to own nwx??? for the first time cause it has popped...LOL
ignore ya... bye sonny... dummy, loser, liar. fool
every year we get some idiot like you... and then they finally talk enuf silliness to earn my ignore... you hit that point... you are gone...LOL