RE:The magic of branding with canopy ensures a stellar future..I'm very hyped on Canopy's beverages going forward. The 200,000 sq ft bottling plant designed by CB will be online in the next month or so. If you recall Bruce speaking about CBD and THC infused beverages, he stated the important thing was that each customer could be assured that what they were drinking contained the exact amount of ingredents that were stated on the bottle label and that every bottle was consistent. That's what will set Canopy apart from everyone else. It's just like going to the LCBO and buying a bottle of wine, you know specifically what grape and the alcohol content of each bottle and it's consistent from bottle to bottle.
What will also set Canopy apart is it's purchase of ebbu. The following is from the news release on Oct. 15, 2018 on the purchase of ebbu:
Intellectual Property ("IP") and R&D advancements achieved by ebbu's team apply directly to Canopy Growth's hemp and THC-rich cannabis genetic breeding program and its cannabis-infused beverage capabilities.
This is from ebbu's website:
With more than 40 cannabis-related patents filed representing over 1500+ inventions, the ebbu science team has become a global leader in data-driven, lab-tested cannabinoid research. ebbu builds consumer trust from seed to sale by focusing on these scientific disciplines: