RE:New MD&A and Interim Financial Statements/Report on SEDAR"Although an MRT Pilot Plant for REEs has been produced by IBC for Ucore, IBC’s MRT for REEs is only at advanced testing stages and has yet to be proven at a commercial scale in a large REE purification and processing facility. The Company has not yet prepared or released an economic assessment or feasibility study that utilizes MRT for the separation and production of REEs from the Bokan Property and the Company’s prospective MRT joint venture corporation to be co-owned with IBC does not yet have any customer contracts for the processing of REEs or other materials using MRT."
Is THAT clear enough for the Fruit Loops here?
Ucore has SFA, other than a bunch of delusional SH's.
$58K COH, Stevie's insolvency claim looks very close to reality, and Fruit Loops are still buying stock in this basket case!