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Sherritt International Corp T.S

Alternate Symbol(s):  SHERF

Sherritt International Corporation is a Canada-based company engaged in the mining and refining of nickel and cobalt metals essential for the adoption of electric vehicles through hydrometallurgical processes. The Company is engaged in the production of high purity nickel and cobalt metals from lateritic ore. Its technologies group creates solutions for oil and mining companies around the world to improve environmental performance. The Company offers a range of products including Nickel, Cobalt, Fertilizers and Other Products. The Nickel products category includes standard grade, steel grade, and nickel powders. The Cobalt products category includes cobalt briquettes and cobalt powders. The Company’s Fertilizers product category includes anhydrous ammonia, granular ammonium sulfate, crystalline ammonium sulfate-super salt, and crystalline ammonium sulfate-standard grade. The Other products category includes sulfuric acid, zinc sulfide, and copper sulfide.

TSX:S - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by Contrarian333on Sep 06, 2019 11:33am
Post# 30102467

RE:RE:RE:Lawsuit against Melia for hotels in Cuba shelved

RE:RE:RE:Lawsuit against Melia for hotels in Cuba shelvedNobody is going "belly up" at $8 nickel.

I expect that Block 10 news is slow because of the challenge of getting incremental equipment to the site to drill with sanctions, it having to come from Europe or China.
Bullboard Posts