Price of Oena diamond...interestingI read again and analyse the news release from July 22 and I'm very happy with the production with Onyx mining. The diamond value recovery is near 40% more than Blue Dust.
USD$ average per carat from Onyx is 1,765$ and from Blue Dust is 1,265$ and another thing is the number of stone vs carats are very different.
Onyx produce 124.06 carats from 24 stones or average 5.17 carats per stone and Blue Dust produce 407.76 carats from 206 stones or average 1.99 carat per stone....!
The production is not the same place and is more value and bigger diamond where Onyx work with ASM.....! But the cpht is the same average for Onyx and Blue Dust so around .31 carat per hundred tons.
Do you remenber this article from:
copy and paste
Look at the paragraph 5 to 8 but watch very closely paragraph 7 .....Therefore there are diamonds sitting on a stockpile of over 349,000 tonnes which the management at Tango believes run at grades of over 6 cpht. In addition there are several other stockpiles on the site that the company plans on deploying one of the mobile bulk sample plants to test them. It is expected that the main pile is shovel-ready and that processing shall begin as soon as the minor refurbishments to the plant are completed.
349,000 tonnes at 6 cpht is very nice if it's real.... because 349,000 tonnes equal 3,490 hundred tons at 6 carats per hundred tons equal 20, 940 carats so if you sold at an average price of 1,500 USD$ the amount from this stockpile is more thant thirty millions USD$
I'm a Tango shareholder from june 2016 and I'm very happy now because Tango focus on diamond production and disposed coal operation. I think is a very good move and is better for all shareholder's.