WAKEY WAKEY WAKEY ! there is no right hand woman -all I see is a desperate shareholder who paid .20 cents and is lowering him or herself to telling fables---much like the ceo of this company and her sidekick who tell the same fables of "BIG CONTRACTS" and September being THE month as they have been busy all summer---take this to the bank, there is no contracts, no September , no .40 cents by anytime ---the spring of 2020 is when CONTRACTS are signed and that is when this company will maybe show promise. by then a private placement at a dime will be the order of the day as it costs a lot of money to keep the ceo and her sidekick in a lifestyle they can afford----back in june 14th all I saw was FALSE AND MISLEADING STATEMENTS -AND MAYBE ITS TIME FOR THE AUTHORITIES TO STEP IN AND FIND OUT WHO IS ON THE FAKE ASKS----end of story