RE:RE:Any Oncore Pharma progress news will be posted on their siteFor those that do not fully understand how a big Insurance Network or a large HealthCare System could save $100 million a year.
Let's take Chemotherapy as an exemple; Chemotherapy can cost $10,000USD early stage, up to $200,000USD late stage cancer.
If a big Insurance Network or a large HealthCare system, can stop just 10 patients from reaching late stage cancer ($200,000USD), they will save $2 millionUSD, 100 patients =$20 millionUSD saving, 1000 patients = very very big saving...
We must also remember that SZLS is targetting the Non-Compliants patients.
EX; The 50% of patients that refuse to pay $675USD to poop in a box or to pass a Colonoscopy.
Check "Results" in this link... 50% of patients refuse to pass a Colonoscopy, that is a huge number of Non-Compliants patients just for Colorectal cancer.
Non-Compliant patients is a very large market and SZLS seem to be for now the only company interested to undertake it.
Non-compliant patients because they refuse screening are more likely to be diagnosed with a late stage cancer($200,000USD).
That could explain why a Large HealthCare System has initiated a contract with SZLS.
wildbird1 wrote: Thank's Nailbiter1... In the Clinical Utility (blue box last phrase) (QUOTE)'' ColonSentry can reduce HealthCare cost by more than 20% through early intervention" (End Of Quote).
A 20% saving for a large HealthCare System could mean hundreds of million a year. That alone could explain why a large HealthCare system has initiated(set in motion) a contract with SZLS.
As we have said many time before, saving money is the best sale pitch of all. But 20% saving is not just big money, it is very very big money.
No wonder the OncorePharma and SZLS peoples are so confident.
Nailbiter1 wrote:
In Canada, private clinics and Insurance companies are their top priority.