RE:WHY?LOL, are you really saying Broken Coast is part of the reason the market hates Aphria? Geez some of the things I read on here.
Almost everything you laid out can be applied to ACB and WEED, not just Aphria. The delisting threat is a non-factor the stock ran to $20 two different times after that.
And yes, there are plenty of big $100B+ companies circling Aphria and the sector.
Vinny57 wrote:
Why you ask? I'll explain it again. I've said, "Everybody hates Aphria". The reasons are:
The C.E.O. was found with his hand in the cookie jar along with the founding members.
The company was being threatened with delisting because of U.S. involvement.
Associates where also found with cookie crumbs on their fingers.
Nuuvera was purchased at an exorbitant price. (Share dilution).
Broken Coast was paid for at a high premium.
The 'Short Report' told everyone that Aphria was a "crooked" company.......(Although not so).
The share priced crashed. (People remember that one).
The LatAm deal was overpaid for. ( Write down).
The CEO and founding members step down. ( Never a good thing).
Double Diamond approval taking far too long.
No joint venture ever materialized. ( No whales circling the area ).
I'm sure there are more to add. SO......Why would you invest in a company with such a shady track record? Well?......we have. Fortunately, the tide is turning. The last QR was very positive for you and I. Simon may be doing something right after all. We will know for sure in 3 weeks. A second favourable QR will have the fence sitters realizing the Aphria is the best major LP out there and worth investing in. Money is leaving WEED, TRST and ABC and I believe will be directed into APHA. It all depends on what happens in 3 weeks from now. I've been a holder and believer for 3 years. ....... I can wait 3 weeks.